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Date: 2013-08-05

InnoTrans 2010(Sep 21--Sep 24,2010)

Brief DescriptionWith a large number of reference projects and over 220 transport technology firms, Berlin is the main focus of Germany's transport engineering industry and an ideal venue for InnoTrans, an international platform for buyers and sellers of passenger and freight transport technology. InnoTrans has become established as an international industry showplace focusing on Railway Technology. A full range of rail vehicles are presented in static displays on the Messe Berlin tracks located outside the exhibition halls. Other key InnoTrans features include Railway Infrastructure, Interiors, Public Transport and Tunnel Construction.

The InnoTrans Convention taking place in conjunction with the trade show includes a special Dialogue Forum sponsored by the Deutsches Verkehrsforum (German Transport Forum), Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen (VDV, Association of German Transport Companies), the Verband der europäischen Schienenverkehrsindustrie (UNIFE, European Rail Transport Industry Association), and the Verbande der Bahnindustrie in Deutschland (VDB, German Rail Industry Association). Initiated and organized by the Deutsche Bahn AG, the European and Asian Rail Summit (EARS) offers excellent dialogue opportunities for transport ministries and general managers of central European and Asian rail transport companies.

Accompanying the Tunnel Construction segment, the Studiengesellschaft für unterirdische Verkehrsanlagen e.V. (STUVA, Incorporated Association for Underground Transport Systems) will lead round-table discussions titled "International Tunnel Forum" at the InnoTrans Convention.
Brief description InnoTrans (PDF, 73 KB)

Products on DisplayRailway TechnologyRail vehicles for passenger and freight transport / subassemblies and components (drives, gearings, couplings, brakes, etc.) / vehicle maintenance
InteriorsInterior fittings, Travel Catering
InfrastructureInfrastructure / route technology
Public TransportLocal and regional buses / fixed facilities / passenger information systems / fare management / information technologies / traffic management / communications / data processing / freight traffic logistics
Consulting, financing, passenger and freight transport firms, associations, science and research
Tunnel ConstructionConstruction machinery, components and accessories / communications and safety engineering / ventilation systems / energy supply systems and illumination / interior finishing / maintenance / construction products and materials / services / consulting

Visitor Target GroupsInternational visitors, including public and private transport enterprises and operators; manufacturers and suppliers of transport technology; public administrators and government officials; construction companies; geologists; engineers; miners; consultants; trade associations and institutions; scientists, researchers and developer; the freight shipping industry; media.

OrganizerMesse Berlin GmbH
Telefon: +49 (0)30 3038 - 2036
Telefax: +49 (0)30 3038 - 2190
E-Mail: innotrans@messe-berlin.de (Berlin, Germany)

Previous: InterMold Thailand 2010(July 24--27,2010)
Next: MATTECH 2010(July 14--15,2010)

Hot Products:
Product Model Inside Diameter Outside Diameter Thickness
HR32304J NSK 20 52 22.25
30304D NSK 20 52 16.25
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